film unit 23.06.20

                                 film marketing                              23.06.20
LO: to develop an effective marketing strategy for a film.

when i would release: when there aren't many movies coming out, like no Disney movies or new marvel films because everyone will go to see them. you would want to release it when people want new films to watch.

main target audience: teens- adult. 

genre: thriller/disaster/action 
distributors, have to choose the place and timing for distribution and advertisement carefully. they have to analyse, what would give the film more exposure, therefore, more of a potential audience.

  1. release date was the 17th of July, but due to the pandemic, it was rescheduled for the 31st of July.
  2. what films did they choose to advertise alongside? they played it before Hobbs & Shaw. in Indian screenings, it came before Birds of Prey, and the Joker. in certain IMAX screenings they played it before Star Wars.
  3. the TV spot they advertised in is Fortnite. this is different from the other forms of advertising they used, because it alongside a popular game for teenagers and adults. 
 other advertising outlets used:

  • instagram: verified with 46.4k followers with only 14 photos on feed. 
  • youtube: warner bros company released official trailer, been reposted by a few people.
Tenet (2020) - IMDbRobert Pattinson WorldWide on Twitter: "ART: TENET Poster with ...Tenet Fan Art Thread - Page 7 | Nolan Fans ForumsTenet (Fan Made Poster) : tenetTENET Poster - Album on ImgurTenet movie poster by DComp on DeviantArt

some of these may be fan art, but again, that shows the amount of attention the film is getting, and the reaction is good enough to inspire people to help publicise the film.

my advertising plan:
  • posters displayed on buses, tube tunnels, in cinemas.
  • if someone watches a film related to it, like jaws, it would be in the upcoming films preview on DVD or in cinema. 
  • this is to gain a wide range of viewers aware of the film's publishing.


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