film unit 05.06.20

disaster movie lesson 2                                                     05.06.20
LO: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

when and where the film is set: it is set on a cruise ship in the Atlantic ocean that is on it's way to Argentina, (they stop off places on the way because it's a long cruise). it is set in the present day.

what is the overall mood of the film? there will be general happiness because people are on a holiday, this will be presented by the classic vacationers ,  (mid forties/fifties american men and their family that all wear matching Hawaiian shirts). however when the disaster begins there will be a continual sense of not knowing if you will survive for long and a sense of danger that has not quite occurred yet, but feels like it is prominent.

how should the movie be filmed? there will be a lot of camera movement to create a sense of drama and danger. for an example when the hand floats upstairs you wont know what it is to begin with  because the camera will be from the hand's point of view , floating up until you see the characters and they pick the hand (and camera) up then the camera will be from the character's point of view looking down at the hand. another example is when the characters hear distant smashing and moving about downstairs, the camera will be from worm's eye view looking up at the characters, slightly shaking to resemble the movement downstairs. i would say the camera's would need to be handheld so it can move quicker and be directed to the place it needs to look at.

i don't have a message to my film, it's just good old disaster.

genre conventions I am going to use in my film:

  • someone saving someone they love 
  • a disaster
  • someone dies that we don't care about at the beginning
  • the disaster being addressed 
  • someone risking their life to help someone else. 
it crosses slightly into romance, but hardly any the genres from a romance film, being used in this film are:
  • someone doing something amazing to save the person they like
  • the characters get closer in times of distress
  • they spend more time together as the film continues
  • they work together to save the day.
Toderov's 5 stages and fitting them in with the film:

1.a state of equilibrium. everything is normal and happy, the cruise has just started to make it's way to argentina after a beautiful visit to Guyana, everyone is content. main character starts to get closer to another main character. thhey begin to like each other. everything is good.

2.a disruption of the equilibrium by some action. the engine of the ship falters and struggles ot regain it's energy. the ship begins to sink, just as they reach shark-infested waters.

3.recognition of disruption. the hand floats upstairs. the characters know that there is something down there and they aren't alone. but they don't know what that is yet. attempt to repair the disruption. as water starts to come up from downstairs. the banging and crashing becomes louder and the wooden door, holding back the water, begins to break. the rescue team enters and the main character get's lifted up by her partner. struggle escalates as the sharks begin to come in and they lift the last person just in time.

5. they are taken to shore, the pair ends up together and the main character writes a book about what happens. ends with her closing her book and the title is the title of the film.


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