film unit 02.06.20

disaster films                                                                      02.06.20
LO:to explore the disaster movie genre.

disaster movies
popular sub-genre of action/adventure films

cinema-blend top 15 disaster movies of all time- 
I haven't watched any of them. I've seen adverts for Godzilla so i've heard of that one and I watched the first 15 minutes of the impossible, but I stopped because I didn't like it.

my chosen 3 films

  • the day the Earth caught fire
  • rollercoaster
  • apocalypse Pompeii
are the main characters usually male or female? generally i think male. this is because action/adventure is seen as a more manly thing as they are supposedly stronger than women. 

which of my chosen films include someone trying to escape or solve a disaster? apocalypse Pompeii is about a family escaping the eruption of mount Vesuvius. 

which of my chosen films include a character trying to save a member of their family? apocalypse Pompeii.

which of my chosen  films end with the  disaster overcome? i really don't know because i haven't watched the end of any of them, but i am assuming they end happily.

which category do my chosen films fall in to? terrorism, volcanic eruption, nuclear???

my film
main character: Joanna Radcliffe. 
writer looking for inspiration for her next book 
disaster: she is on a cruise ship in the atlantic ocean. the engine malfunctions and they begin to sink. it is summer and it is shark season. they are stuck under the sea with the last few tanks of oxygen supply until the rescue team come and rescue them. peoplkeep dissapearing and there are repetitive sounds of breaking glass and banging downstairs, people keep going down there to check everyone's ok and no one ever returns
three characters: Damon, a man she meets while walking out from her room to the oxygen disperser place. the retired veterinarian that helps people with shark bites called maria. the main rescuer, Callum. 
1st death: the captain goes downstairs to see what the noise is. the water was flooding in downstairs.. a decapitated hand floats up the stairs. 
action/running away scene: a shark pounds at the window, trying to smash it's way in, they have to evacuate. 
the main character saves the day: Joanna rescues someone stuck in their room while everyone is being lifted out by the rescuers. she risks her life to save Damon. 
the end: Joanna writes her book on the same topic and she and Damon start dating. the closing scene is her closing her book and the title is shown. the title of her book is the same title as the film. 
possible titles: 
  1. trapped with monsters
  2. once upon a shark attack
  3. stay clear of the water


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