film unit 09.06.20

                                                      disaster film                                   09.06.20               LO: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie. 

synopsis (blurb)
Joanna is lost for a cruise seems like a good idea, right? wrong. its summer in the Atlantic ocean. once malfunction and the ship is going under, but they wont be alone. if the rescue team doesnt come quick, there won't be a novel for Joanna to publish. there might not even be anything left of her tomorrow.   if you are reading this, for Joanna's sake, remember to check the depths of the water before you dive in. you never know what's waiting for you underneath the waves.

how it feels when you are alone on the open ocean - Album on ImgurBeneath the waves: How the deep oceans have continued to warm over ...
the constant feeling of feeling vunerable and small.  the feeling of having darkness consume you
Inside the Cruise Ship During Storm - YouTubePower restored to homes following stormy weather
storm causes engine malfunction                              feeling of have the waves come after you
 feeling of hopelessness, everyone will seem depressed, just trying to accept their fate.

floating hand scene
they are under water but still have oxygen. they are sat in the main dining room, everyone is huddled together and are looking spooked and forlorn.

subtle banging on the door

Joanna(looks to damon) maybe that's the captain?
Damon: maybe let's look (looking away at the cook) come on help me open the door.
they dislodge the door. damon falls silent and picks up something
Cook swears
Joanna: what is it?
Damon turns around and covers his mouth
everyone turns to look and gasps
Joanna: (shrieks and swears) is that.. the captain's?
Damon: i don't know, but i do know that that is not just a papercut
cook (stutters) we aren't alone, are we?
Joanna: put it away and lock the door again, the water is beginning to rise.


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