
Showing posts from 2019

final december assessment 2019

media roles: director- Jemma co-director- Summer SFX- Jemma and Abby zombie - Summer camera lighting and filming- Amber murderer- Jemma

warm bodies review

warm bodies film review genre: horror, comedy and romance i think it was a really creative idea to mix so many genres in one especially horror and romance. it seemed a modern version of a zombie film with a surprising story line and unexpected character changes and plot twists. the main characters were easily lovable and interesting to watch the journey with each other.

8 shot zombie assessment

zombie film 8 shots someone being shot and waking up a zombie roles: camera - Amber zombie- Summer SFX - Abby & Jemma editing - everyone  setting:  dirty grave (paper over camera) what do we need fake blood  pasta sheets  cotton wool makeup  scar putty  shots: stabbing person , walking away from body  1.    pt 3 grunting noises 2.    pt 4 (whole twitching hand scratch hand across floor with blood) 3.    pt 5 camera at bottom of feet and hand reaching up 4.    pt 6 camera begins to shake and get closer to face 5.    pt 7 goes black and flickers then eyes open  

zombie mise-en-scene

clothes distressed hoodie ripped, stained tshirt ripped jeans white face paint blue or green

horror magazine second/final attempt


horror magazine poster first attempt


updated posters


horror conventions magazine

Horror poster conventions: have a SFX look or famous horror character in the centre whats inside the issue around the centre photo large title of the magazine or issue on the top

SFX horror posters




SFX evaluation homework

WWW: I t appl i ed and blended better than I anticipated, I dealt with a problem . EBI: A t the beginning the blood was absorbed by the makeup and the scar putty, but I added cotton  wool and the blood stayed a lot better. I  need to focus on blending to fix the skin tone match. I used: back of a paintbrush cotton buds cotton wool pads makeup and lip crayon scar putty  fake blood baby wipes tissues targets: I need to start making these more realisic by practise. I also need to try and make connotations and similarities to posters.

humpty dumpty: rewritten


conventions of horror posters

colour pallet what each colour connotes: black= death, evil, fear red= blood, evil, fire, hell white= ghost, hallucinations green= zombies, mould,decay brown= old, decay blue= cold,supernatural methods used: typography style that fits in with the film, blood, bone,eyes. main image:low angle shots,close ups of the antagonist (mode of address, also).posed so not all the face is visible, this can create suspense.Lexis.                                                                          this poster isn't very successful, it isn't using any of the colour palettes but black, and because its animated by the looks of it, it wont have the same connotes black would usually have in a horror film, like instead of having the regular connotations of death it just has....fur. i...

environmental advertising

they use characters that are well-known/loved they relate it to other serious problems (guns) shows distressing images  they use similar colour palettes  very visable pictures

how to make a persuasive film

how to make a persuasive film: emotive non-diegetic music dialogue to specific kinds of people relating to the subject (professors, homeless) editing -adding order and combining/splitting scenes- SFX manipulating images  adding a memorable logo shooting scene in a sad or upsetting/surprising setting mise-en-scene 


plastic pollution

pros: reusable plastic is good or knee or hip replacement, good for storage, good for furniture, it is lightweight and easily accessible. straws wise, they are easier to drink out of than a paper straw.plastic can be flexible as well. it doesn't really mould or decompose as wood does cons: they ruin the sea and beaches, they kill land and sea animals. they do not decompose,so a lot can still be lying around after littered for hundreds of years. it can break easily and for an example, if you use, let's say an oasis bottle for too long bits of plastic start to peel away inside,which is hazardous because we can drink it. if it is littered it can break into small pieces and animals can mistake it for food. how we think it looks   what actually happens



