8 shot zombie assessment

zombie film 8 shots

someone being shot and waking up a zombie

  • camera - Amber
  • zombie- Summer
  • SFX - Abby & Jemma
  • editing - everyone 
dirty grave (paper over camera)

what do we need
  • fake blood 
  • pasta sheets 
  • cotton wool
  • makeup 
  • scar putty 
  1. stabbing person , walking away from body 
  2. 1.   pt 3 grunting noises
    2.   pt 4 (whole twitching hand scratch hand across floor with blood)
    3.   pt 5 camera at bottom of feet and hand reaching up
    4.   pt 6 camera begins to shake and get closer to face
    5.   pt 7 goes black and flickers then eyes open  


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