film unit 12.05.20

lights camera action                               12.05.20
LO: to explore the use of sound in films.

movie song quiz starter  11/26 (i hadn't even heard of some of these films)

  1. fast furious 7 
  2. shrek
  3. ???
  4. harry potter
  5. fifty shades of grey
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. the hunger games
  9. frozen
  10. ???
  11. moana
  12. ???
  13. ???
  14. mission impossible
  15. ???
  16. ???
  17. ???
  18. ??? if they played the main part of the song i would of got it i just didn't know the intro
  19. ???
  20. ???
  21. suicide squad
  22. mamma mia
  23. ???
  24. ???
  25. high school musical
  26. ???


  1. horror- slow, eerie, creepy, sharp at jump scares or where intense actions occur, (a stabbing, murderer jumps out)
  2. action - fast-paced, loud 
  3. thriller - slow and fast, ???
  4. comedy - light-hearted, upbeat music, popular music usually plays , whatever really goes with the plot
  5. sci-fi - all the noises you would find in  a lab? bubbling
  •  music
  • dialog
  • narration 
  • sound effects
  • voiceover  

the people on screen can hear e.g, radio 

only we as the audience can hear, e.g a motif or different songs

not really out loud so not everyone can hear it but a particular character and we can e.g, a person's thoughts or daydreams

most sounds are added in after filming because on set, the microphones are prioritised to capture dialog and not sound. so after it is filmed there sounds are made by people and then added into the film. e.g swish of grass or a smashing of a plate.

what the foley artists would have to film in the animation clip:

  • the game the boy is playing 
  • the door opening 
  • the curtains/blinds being pulled open
  • phone ringing
  • the cardboard box being opened
  • the box being knocked over
  • the dog falling to the floor
  • the dog shuffeling on the floor
  • the ball being kicked away
  • the box moving on the carpet
  • the ball squeaking
  • the dog itching his ear
  • the boy standing on his crutches
  • the door closing.

replicate or imagine
some sounds can't be created because they don't exist, e.g an alien from doctor who.

choose a scene: where hercules meets phil
  1. any music? no 
  2. the sounds change when phil gets out of the bush.
  3. moments of silence? not really 
  4. if you listened to the sounds without the pictures do you think you could work out what was happening? i could work out he was in a bush but not where abouts or how hercules found him or what he was looking at.
  5. sound affects: phil being smacked over the head, the sound of bushes.


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