film unit 15.05.20

lights camera action                             15.05.20
LO: to explore the use of Mise-En-Scene.

quiz score before: 75%

from the picture i would assume

  • boy's or tomboys room
  • messy or lazy
  • they like music
  • they like the colour orange
  • they are busy

/ˌmiːz ɒ̃ ˈsɛn,French miz ɑ̃ sɛn/
  1. the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.
    • the setting or surroundings of an event.

  2. it is made up from 5 parts:

  • setting and props
  • costume, hair and makeup
  • facial expressions and body language
  • lighting and colour
  • positioning of characters/objects within the frame.
setting and props
can manipulate audience to think or feel certain things.
takes a lot of time to make 

sci-fi film-  modern city. abandoned lab, all white, metal
romantic comedy - can take place anywhere really, beach
horror - dark place, abandoned house, creaky floorboards, black, blood, loads of hiding places, dark rainy, stormy day 

costume, hair and makeup
instant indicator to audience all about the character.
what time it is set in
signify certain people

1. indiana jones
age i can guess is mid forties. he looks adventurous and that he may have been in a desert or rainforest

2. regina george (mean girls)
age i cna guess is late teens, she looks like a popular girly girl that has a rich family and goes shopping a lot. looks like it was set or filmed in the naughties.

3. ??
age i can guess late fifties/early sixties, he looks like a lonely slightly poor man that has some sort of depression or is going to commit a crime, because of his dark facial expression. 

facial expressions and body language
clear indicator to emotion and feelings of that character.
may indicate character's feelings to another person.

1. rich family with strict parents.
emotions conveyed: angry, unbothered, annoyed 

2. ?? looks like they are staring at someone they just beat up
emotions conveyed: angry, gang-like, ruthless.

lighting and colour 
makes people look suspicious 
highlights certain parts/objects.
low key lighting - eerie, sharp contrasts, deep and distinct shadows, silhouettes
high key lighting-  happy, bright, lighting is natural, sunny


feeling something suspicious is happening. they may be hiding. they are being told something crucial to the story. 

positioning of people/objects
positioning can draw our eye to something.
indicate relationships between people.

1. couple that just got into a fight and now don't want to sit near each other. Aniston looks annoyed and he looks awkward.

2. they are ready for business. friends and coworkers that protect.

put it all together

1. they are eating exotic foods that nowadays we wouldn't eat so was set in maybe victorian times? they are in an expensive home that i assume might be royal.  

2. the centre person is no other than captain jack sparrow and we know this form his outfit that is very piratey. the two surrounding him we can assume are guards.

3. the two guards look angry but happy as they captured him. jack sparrow looks apologetic and trying to look innocent.

4. it highlights the characters and the chair in the back so our eyes are drawn there.

5. they are facing someone important.

 test score after: 88% 
  third attempt:  100% 


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