homework #2 - Todorov's narrative theory


Pick a film of your choice (NOT Lego Movie) and explain how it fits Toderov's theory

my film choice: the sound of music 

equilibrium: maria is  the anomaly at the monastery, Austria is taken over by the Nazis but war positions and rules have not been enforced yet. we assume the Von Trapp children are without a fraulein at this time. it fits the theory as everything is normal, or a day to day life that the characters are used to.

information in between: with a rough start, Maria becomes the fraulein to the children, but after a little thunderstorm they become closer. captain Von Trapp goes to meet baroness schraeder, he returns to see the children disobeying his standards, however he soon realises how wonderful his children are. Maria falls in love with the captain and leaves back to the monastery, but the rev. mother convinces her to go back, the captain falls in love with maria, baroness schraeder leaves and maria and captain get married. meanwhile the children are rehearsing singing for a concert with their uncle. 

disruption of equilibrium: the German Nazis have started employing and forcing the Austrians to fight for them, they want the captain to go back to his post, but the captain ignores them. This fits the theory as there is something that causes a problem and changes the normal life.

Recognition of disruption: captain and maria come back from their honeymoon to find that the captain is now being forced back. this fits the theory as the main characters realise there is something wrong going on and they need to solve it.

attempt to resolve disruption: they family attempts to escape their home however the Germans were prepared for that and caught them however the captain uses the excuse that they are going to sing at the concert. while singing at the concert, the children leave one by one and go to the car where the captain and maria meets them and they go to the monastery for refuge. they manage to escape form there to the mountains on their way to Switzerland. This fits the theory because the main characters are trying to fix the problem.

new equilibrium: we see they are still trekking through the mountains to freedom. this only just fits the theory as we don't see their life going back to a new normal but just on the way to it.


  1. Excellent application to a different movie. Well done!


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