homework #4 regulation

                                       the lego movie: regulation                       16.11.20   

Regulators are usually industry bodies that do one of two things:
1.Classify products (normally by age rating)
2.Ensures content of products meets acceptable standards   

Why did the BBFC give The Lego Movie a U rating? What does this mean in terms of the audience the film can reach?
 because it has very mild bad language (like darn and heck) and the violence is very minor and obvious it isn't real as it is in lego, not showing any human harm and we do not see things like blood or serious physical injury that may cause distress to younger audiences. this means it can reach any and all audiences as it is not necessary for a parent or guardian to be present while the film is played and it doesn't have an age restriction, an example of the places and audiences it can reach is school. it can be played to school children without supervision. 

Why did the VSC award a PEGI rating of 7+ to The Lego Movie video game?
the creators of this videogame did not want the game to be related to serious themes, threats and harm, that can be involved in some other games. this is because the target audience is for children and a game with things like sex and drug references would definitely not be suitable for that age range. so because the game does not include things of this sort it is not rated any higher than the minimum 7. however it was not rated the lowest possible (3). this may be because it still involves things like explosions and anger scenes. for a small child, this can be seen as unsuitable as it isn't friendly for that age exactly. 


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